Friday, July 18, 2008


On July 6 our grandaughter Ashton celebrated her sixth birthday. We weren't able to go up there to help celebrate but did send a card and some money. Yesterday, we received the most precious thank you card, one that we will keep with our important papers!!!!!!!!! I scanned a copy of it and have posted it with this blog, however, I am providing a transcript in case there's a couple of works you can't figure out.

Grammy & Grampy,
Thank yall for the birthday money. I loved the card. Whose idea was it to get the card? I wanted the Ariel nightgown but they were out of them. So I don't know what I am gunna get.
Love, Ashton


B.E.A.L. said...

she was so tickled to see her card on there...she is also very proud of herself (as are we)!

The Leonard Four said...

that is the cutest thing! i love ashton to pieces! we got a super cute note from her too!