Friday, June 26, 2009

Our First House

Since I was in San Antonio this past week, I thought I'd go by the house we lived in for the three years that we were there (1977-80). It was the first house we ever bought and it was brand new. This is the house we lived in when Megan was born. Two shots, one closeup and one from across the street.

When we lived there there were no trees at the street and only one in the front yard, the one on the left side of the yard about the middle of the lawn (which you can't see).



Sister/Aunt Becky said...

Wow, a blast from the past. I never would have recognized that house but I do remember being there.

B.E.A.L. said...

That is pretty neat that you were able to go by it....I don't remember that house at all!

Grammy Jenn said...

Heritage Farms.....1111 Longmont's that for a memory??