Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Trophy Moves North

The Bennett Family Wii trophy was won this week by one of our Frisco residents, Bobby. This was the second tournament of the season.

Round 1
Holly - bye
Jon 119, Grampy 110
Megan 202, Chris 180
Erin - bye
Bobby - bye
Ashton 159, Brodie 142
Grammy 165, Ricci 144
Ninny - bye

Jon 170, Holly 133 (no way to treat your girlfriend)
Megan 178, Erin 138
Bobby 178, Ashton 144
Grammy 143, Ninny 108

Megan 225 (six strikes in a row), Jon 139
Bobby 164, Grammy 120

Bobby 180, Megan 174

Congrats to Bobby!!! Had to get a little creative with the picture!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

love the play by play run down....

love the creativity with the picture....

and love that fun was had by most everyone....I didn't have so much fun! this bowling frustrates me to no end!

thanks for organizing. You this bowling thing will have to take a backseat (in our house at least) during football season!